Curry Chicken Salad

Curried Chicken Salad

Who doesn't like chicken salad? Here's a yummy recipe that you can serve at any party or just at home. My family goes nuts over this one. Here's what you'll need:

3 cups of shredded white meat chicken (from a roasted chicken)

2/3 cup of mayonnaise (My family likes "Lemonnaise." I like the good stuff.)

2 teaspoons of curry powder 

1/3 cup of dries cranberries

Opt. 1/3 cup of sliced almonds

Stir together mayonnaise and curry powder. Next mix in shredded chicken. Then mince cranberries using a hand chopper. (These hand choppers work great for mincing or chopping small amounts of something.) You then mix in the cranberries.

Finally use garlic salt and pepper to taste. (Serves 4)

This delicious chicken salad is really good served on a bed of lettuce with a homemade balsamic dressing. (See blog post titled: Sweet and Blue.) Parmesan cheese crisps would be awesome with this dish. 

Fun Saying:

One of my favorite sayings is: "Naked as a Jaybird". This would only make sense if Jaybirds had no feathers. Now that's an image. While we are on the subject of naked, as a southerner I grew up saying" necked" and I'm not afraid to admit it.