Fall Napkins

This first one is super, super easy and ideal for a one time occasion like Thanksgiving.

Step 1. You'll just need one or two fall colored napkins, a fall colored ribbon to match and a real or artificial leaf.

Step 2. You overlap the napkins as in the second picture. You then pick the napkins up by pinching the overlapped napkins in their center.

fall napkin.JPG

Step 1.


Step 2.

Step 3. Next you tie up the leaf into the center of the napkin. Voila you have a lovely fall creation!

Step 3.

leaf perfect 1.jpg

This next style of a napkin rings requires more work initially, but you can use them over and over.

Step 1.  First you will need: three artificial leaves. (I got mine from Michaels, of course. I had to look and look and finally found some that looked natural.) You will also need a glue gun and glue sticks, about 2 & 1/2 feet of ribbon, plain round napkin rings (you can get lots and lots from Amazon for super cheap), a pair of scissors and a bit of tape. 

Step 2. First cut the stems of the leaves so that they are about 1 inch long then tape them together. Using the ribbon, secure the bundle of leaves to the napkin ring by wrapping the ribbon around the stems and the napkin ring. (It's a good idea to put a dot of hot glue at the beginning part of the ribbon.) 

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Step 1.

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Step 3. Proceed to wrap the ribbon around and around the ring overlapping the edges as you go. Once you have wrapped the ribbon all the way around, use a bit of hot glue to secure the end of the ribbon to the ring. Voila! you have elegant fall napkin rings.

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Step 3.

*I'm excited to use these ideas to make Christmas napkins as well!!!

Fun Saying:

I'm happy as a crow in a cornfield! The fun thing about many sayings is their alliteration. Happy as a blackbird in a cornfield doesn't quite do the trick. Funny thing is crows are a major subject of sayings: "As the crow flies", "Eat crow" and the little known midwestern saying:"I have a crow to pluck with someone". Who would have thunk that those irritating little things were so popular!