And More Pumpkins

I love baby pumpkins. As a matter of fact I love miniature anything. The other day I saw a bunch of miniature bananas. I had to take a picture and send it to my friend, Toni, who is also miniature crazy. Well back to the baby pumpkins. I have seen pictures of really fun flower arrangements in pumpkins, so I thought why not use miniature pumpkins as a vase. Here's how.

You'll need:

A baby Pumpkin 

A vegetable peeler. (The old kind)

A small orange pill bottle (My pharmacist, Tony, and I are on a first name basis, so I had no problem getting a few pill bottles.)

Flowers (Daisies and mums are really cute.)

Using the vegetable peeler carve around the stem of the tiny pumpkin. Don't worry if you break through to the bottom. Next use the peeler to totally clean out the icky in the pumpkin. Also you'll want to make the hole big enough so that a small pill bottle fits snugly.

Once you've cleaned out the baby pumpkins, thoroughly spray them with shellac inside and out. (This will lengthen the their life.)

Insert a pill bottle bottle into a little pumpkin. Tie a ribbon around the top to make it extra cute.

Lastly arrange some little flowers in the bottle and add water to make a precious fall arrangement!

You can also make an arrangement with a bit larger pumpkin and use a large pill bottle.

As with any pumpkin that is cut, the little pumpkins won't last past 4 days or so before they get all mushy. If you are using them as decorations or party favors, make sure you cut the pumpkins as late as possible. Make sure you put them on a non-porous surface, so they don't get stain anything once they have started to decay.  

Pumpkin Mishap

The other day I was picking out a good ole orange pumpkin. There was a big stack of them in front of the grocery store. You guessed it, I caused a pumpkin avalanche. It was pumpkin mayhem!!!! Pumpkins were rolling everywhere even into the parking lot. Thankfully we (the pumpkins and I) didn't get smashed into the pavement. I had a good laugh at myself. Too bad the whole thing wasn't caught on video.