Party Time

Parties aren't complete without appetizers, and a total crowd pleaser is anything wrapped in bacon! The wildest one I've had is banana wrapped in bacon and, believe or not, it was quite good. But in my book,  bacon wrapped dates filled with goat cheese are the ones to die for. Here's what you'll need:

  • Regular bacon
  • Dates
  • Goat Cheese
  • Toothpicks

First preheat oven to 350. Then cut each piece of bacon into thirds. (Most recipes call for 1/2 a piece which I think makes them too greasy.) Next take a date and set it up straight then cut it lengthwise. Fill one half with goat cheese and put the two halves together.

Next wrap the dates in the bacon and keep them together with toothpicks. Place them on a cookie sheet that has a lip and cook them on each side for 8 minutes. (Longer if needed.) Remove from oven, dab with a paper towel and serve warm. 

Parties On A Budget

I love parties and have thrown lots and lots. Many of them have been for my daughters' birthdays. (If I wasn't a therapist, I would probably be a party planner.) Here's some simple ideas and money saving tips that I've learned along the way when giving a more formal or semi-formal party. (Looking at Pinterest is intimating for most of us. These ideas are super doable.)

The first thing is picking a color scheme. (I like to use two different colors, at least.) I suggest buying white tablecloths because it costs just as much to rent them as it does to buy them. Purchasing tables versus renting them is also something to think about because renting a table is about $15 and buying one is about $30.

If you want to bring color into your set up, you can lay cloth napkins under the centerpieces. Renting cloth napkins are only about $1 each and they really add a lot. TJ Maxx and World Market also have very inexpensive cloth napkins. 

Table runners are of course an option and they are only about $4 to rent. Another thing to consider is buying white plates which again you can use over and over. You can get them a TJ Maxx or World Market for around $2 each.

Flowers are a must, of course, (See Put A Little Drama in Your Life for a simple yet elegant way to make centerpieces). Hydrangeas are the easiest and you don't even need oasis. Finally make sure that your arrangement is low enough for your guests to see each other. 

Another thing to think about regarding flowers is purchasing square glass flower containers. You will use them again and again and they are only about $10 each. I tie a ribbon around each base to make the table look more elegant. 

Special napkin folds are a great way to make a table more attractive. (See Creative/Helpful Ideas for 3 super easy ones.) To rent cloth napkins it is about $1 each and they really add a lot. Also TJ Maxx and World Market have very inexpensive cloth napkins. Finally one thing that really adds to a table set up is to use chair bows. (I love chair bows!)

Fun Saying:

"You've got a bee in your bonnet." That's kinda scary cause if there's a bee in your bonnet, it's gonna sting the heck out of you. Funny enough the original saying was, "There are bees in your head". That's a funny way of saying that someone is in a tizzy. Now isn't it?